ED GARNER: Evolution of a Photographer
My father was a successful commercial artist all his life, and growing up, I discovered I had inherited some of his artistic talent. Although it's taken me a number of years to arrive, I am to a certain extent following in his footsteps . . . but with a camera, rather than a paint brush. Through photography, I feel I have recaptured the view of the world as a place of awe, beauty and mystery that I remember experiencing as a child. Around every corner is a potential vision that may surprise and challenge me in wonderful ways - as long as I remain open to seeing what's special and unique in everyday life. Capturing that impression through visual imagery and to be able to share those visions with others through my photographs and video projects is what is most gratifying for me.
BTW - the photo of me below was taken by my friend and very talented photographer, John Byrne (WWW.JohnByrnePhotography.Net).